Has a natural disaster happened to you? Has a hurricane made your home unlivable? Has a twister damaged your home to where it is not safe living in it? Has wild/forest fire damaged your house? Have you had a house fire? Has a flood made your house unlivable? Do you have need of temporary housing due to any emergency? We do that.
We provide emergency housing for just such occasions. We understand at this time you are not in the mood to deal with all this. We also understand that someone has to. Let us help you. Let us take some of your burden on our shoulders. Let us deal directly with the insurance company or their adjusters for you. We are experts in doing this and we can have an emergency housing unit set up quickly on location right where you want it. This way you will be able to oversee the reconstruction of your home or take care of livestock, pets, property and so on. There are many reason why emergency housing units are needed and our emergency housing units will satisfy most all of them. Including even home offices.
Our emergency housing units are able to stay there as long as you need them. We put no limits on how long you will need it. They also come with all the comforts of home such as full kitchens, full bathrooms, bedrooms, living area, TV, ability to hook up your cable and more.
All our units have available to them household kits such as linen kits, kitchen kits even BBQ kits. There are many more items that may be needed just let us know. We are able to get most things that are needed and many times your insurance company can take care of it for you. We are good at what we do and we can advocate for you with your insurance company.
Our goal is to make sure your needs are met comfortably.
Do you work from your home? We are also able to provide a temporary mobile office which is fully self contained. Ask us about this.
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Things Consumers Should Know About How Temporary Housing Works With Their Insurance
Region One:
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
Region Two:
California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado
Region Three:
Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri
Region Four:
Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky
Others states on a case by case basis.